( Pre ) How many years have you worked in a preschool:
( T ) Number of years of teaching experience: Public Private Christian
List your work experience with the most recent first.
Reason for leaving your most recent position
List any courses or special training you've received related to the position for which you are applying.
List other related experience
Please list activities that you would be capable of and willing to teach, direct or advise, such as art, drama, music, sports, science, speech, etc. (Indicate grade or ability levels)
( T ) List any books or articles that you have read recently that have helped you grow professionally.
What do you feel is the unique function of a Christian school?
( T ) What is your philosophy of Christian education?
( T ) What methods of class management (control) would you use at your desired grade level?
( Pre ) ( T ) What methods would you use to motivate a child who lacks incentive to learn?
( Pre ) ( T ) Describe your experience with and use of learning centers.
( Pre ) ( T ) Describe the ideal classroom environment that you desire to create.
( Pre ) ( T ) What do you consider your primary strengths?
( Pre ) ( T ) What is an area of weakness?
( Pre ) PERSONNEL ATTITUDES SURVEY (Click here to skip this section)
These phrases refer to 2 - 6 yr. old children and to teaching them in a preschool situation. Please complete each sentence as briefly as possible. The answers only reflect the way you feel. There are no right or wrong answers.
Children are wonderful, but
When a child cries, it makes me feel like
When I speak to children
Children who have accidents
What children want to make them happy is
What children need most is
A child feels unhappy when
Children disobey because
Children who "pretend"
Friends are more important to children because
Children get into everything because
Children learn the most when
Children's art
Before children go to kindergarten they should
My favorite activity with children is
My favorite story or picture book for children is
My favorite children's game is
My favorite TV show for children is
Something that makes me so angry is
Something that always makes me smile is
What I consider a real mess is
The kind of mess that doesn't bother me is
Teachers need
Teachers should
I am easy to get along with because
I think the most important jobs of a preschool teacher are
Preschool should be
I want to work at this preschool because
All applicants must give at least two references who can testify of your training and experience and two references who can speak of your character and Christian service. Do not list family members or relatives for references.