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"In pursuit of a growing faith, scholastic achievement, creative expression & practical leadership." This phrase captures the process and focus of an education at Vineyard Christian School.
A growing faith is the heart of a full, meaningful life. Believing in Jesus Christ and following the Bible are foundational. At VCS, we build faith into our students through a systematic use of a comprehensive Bible curriculum. The truths taught are then integrated throughout the school day and activities. The application to daily situations produces growing students that are both hearers and doers of God's Word.
Scholastic achievement is the acquisition of knowledge. At VCS, each student is challenged within their own capabilities to apply themselves to learning and achieving their greatest potential. God's creation is full of wonders. God's Word is full of truth. The development of wisdom and understanding is the highest attainment.
Creative expression promotes the discovery and development of each student's uniqueness. At VCS we endeavor to weave the arts into our school life. Besides the visual arts, the performing arts include: dramatic, visual and musical presentations. Studies have shown that scholastic achievement increases with the integration of the arts.
Practical leadership is a social skill that all children can learn. It is not dependent upon a charismatic or extroverted personality. It includes learning basic social graces, developing self confidence and making a decision to follow the Lord. VCS promotes this through student activities, student government, chapels and instruction in individual responsibility. "We are proud of the accomplishments of our graduates."